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Welcome to my professional Artist Portfolio. One of my defining principles is establishing an open dialogue between form and function in all aspects of my artwork. Look through my work to see this in action, and get in touch for more information.

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Earth Projection

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation”

Herman Melville

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Artist Profile

A Visual Journey

Hello my name is Jan g Gregory an artist living in Bridlington East Yorkshire.I mostly work with watercolours, however I have now got a few different mediums such as Acrylic, pastels, oil, pen & ink , Having got diploma’s in both watercolour & calligraphy .Living here in this part of East Yorkshire gives me a great opportunity to create some of the artworks you can see on here ! I do consider myself extremely lucky living here where we have the stunning seaside with it’s majestic cliffs which host the largest gannet population in England We also have the most amazing countryside with it’s vast open fields & magical woodlands! The harbour is still very much a working fishing harbour, the main shopping town is here however on the outskirts we have the most amazing old town with galleries & small coffee shops! So there’s always opportunities for me to have the inspiration I need ! I am also the secretary for Bridlington Art society! Take a look in the gallery for some of my work! Iv been painting for Just over 45 however it was in my late thirties that I really started to produce work that I was able to put on show ! Hope you enjoy viewing! I am available also for advice! My aim is to inspire others ! 

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